
Javascript Course

Day 1-5: Introduction to JavaScri#### 1: Introduction to JavaScript, what it is and why it's important

Day 2: Installing and setting up a text editor (e.g. Visual Studio Code)

Day 3: Variables, data types, and basic operations

Day 4: Conditional statements (if/else)

Day 5: Loops (for/while)

Day 6-10: Functions and Arrays

Day 6: Functions, parameters, and return values

Day 7: Arrays, indexes, and loops

Day 8: Array methods (push, pop, shift, unshift)

Day 9: Nested arrays and multidimensional arrays

Day 10: Practice exercises combining functions and arrays

Day 11-15: Objects

Day 11: Introduction to objects, properties, and methods

Day 12: Creating and accessing object properties

Day 13: Object methods and prototypes

Day 14: Object-oriented programming basics

Day 15: Practice exercises combining objects and arrays

Day 16-20: DOM Manipulation

Day 16: Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)

Day 17: Selecting and manipulating DOM elements

Day 18: Adding and removing elements from the DOM

Day 19: Event listeners and handling user input

Day 20: Practice exercises combining objects, arrays, and the DOM

Day 21-25: jQuery

Day 21: Introduction to jQuery

Day 22: Selecting and manipulating elements with jQuery

Day 23: jQuery events and animations

Day 24: jQuery plugins and extensions

Day 25: Practice exercises combining jQuery and the DOM

Day 26-30: Final Projects

Day 26-28: Individual project time to apply learned concepts

Day 29-30: Group project time to work on more complex projects and collaborate with others

Note:Throughout the program, encourage the use of online resources such as W3Schools, Codecademy, and Mozilla Developer Network to supplement the lessons and provide additional practice opportunities. Additionally, provide feedback on the students' progress and offer assistance as needed. By the end of the 30 days, the students should have a good foundation in JavaScript and be able to apply the concepts to real-world scenarios.