
30 Days Web Development Programme

Day 1-5: HTML Basics

  • Introduction to HTML
  • Basic HTML tags
  • Creating headings, paragraphs, and lists
  • Creating hyperlinks
  • Adding images to web pages

Day 6-10: CSS Basics

  • Introduction to CSS
  • Inline, internal, and external CSS
  • CSS selectors and properties
  • Styling text and fonts
  • Styling backgrounds and borders

Day 11-15: More CSS

  • Styling tables
  • Box model and positioning
  • Creating navigation menus
  • CSS layouts and responsive design
  • Media queries

Day 16-20: Bootstrap

  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Downloading and installing Bootstrap
  • Creating Bootstrap grids
  • Bootstrap components: navbar, carousel, forms
  • Styling with Bootstrap classes

Day 21-25: Git Basics

  • Introduction to Git
  • Setting up a Git repository
  • Basic Git commands: add, commit, push
  • Cloning a repository
  • Working with branches

Day 26-30: Hosting with Git

  • Hosting a website on GitHub Pages
  • Linking a domain to GitHub Pages
  • Creating a custom 404 page
  • Setting up a custom domain with HTTPS
  • Troubleshooting common issues

Note: This is just a basic outline and the exact content and pace of the program may vary depending on the age and skill level of the Students. It is important to adapt the program to their needs and provide plenty of opportunities for hands-on practice and experimentation.